Champion Supporter of Root Local

Become a champion supporter of collective environmental impact!

By donating $150, you will become an official Champion Supporter of Root Local and collective environmental impact. As a gift you will receive a branded S'well water bottle. S'well is a proud partner of UNICEF, Lonely Whale, and Million Bottle Project to promote clean water and reduce single-use plastic bottles

Celebrate with us as we reach our first anniversary! Root Local was created to help grow metro Atlanta more sustainably and mindfully by connecting environmental allies and uplifting community members' voices. Within the last year, we have built a robust and active Pollinator Network. We have also launched and continue to build our Network Map of local environmental organizations! We aim to inspire and support a coalition that ensures a more sustainable future for our metro area.

Join us as we support collective environmental impact through reducing silos of work, defining shared goals and performance metrics so that we can make mindful data-driven decisions on reducing our carbon footprint.

We encourage you to use these products as a canvas to show your support for not only Root Local, but for the other local organizations you love. Add stickers to the water bottle! We would love to see your community! Show off your silo crushing item at the next Root Local event!